7 Reasons Success Is Ignoring You

7 Reasons Success Is Ignoring You

1. Damaged Goods

 Success is not attracted to nor is looking to partner with someone who believes that they are “damaged” goods. Yes, I know crap happens to all. But yet, there comes a time when we must get over ourselves and position our mind- set towards success. Success can mean: Feeling excited about that pounding in your heart because of what you do. Hanging in there through the hard times to achieve your desired outcome. It comes when we wake up on purpose every day…no matter what! Keep this in mind, that most successful people are not rational thinkers. We are delusional in a good way!

2. Living A Cookie Cutter Life.

Living as though you are a product of a manufacturing company that produces one kind of generic cookie. Becoming “comfortable” with the” status quo.” Not being able to stand out in a crowd with your dreams and goals. Stop following the crowd. Follow your bliss! That thing that makes you different. Take a risk on you, the most important person that you will ever meet! Foster your creativity. Harness your entrepreneurial skills. And live a “no limit” lifestyle starting now.

 3. Not Following Instructions.

Success leaves clues. “Remember, success leaves clues and to find those clues, you’ve got to tune in!” ~Tony Robbins

Almost all success stories including your own, will follow the directions of : Dream big! Fail forward. Own and accept your OWN success. Once you have completed the previous instructions, start over and try it all again!

4. Complicated Intentions.

Be clear with your intentions. To have in mind a purpose or plan. The aim that you are seeking and reaching for the end of your goal. Clarity of your intentions will bring forth clear and concise successful results. Recalibrate your intentions and update your internal navigational system.

5. Your Spoken Words.

Your words have power! They can build or destroy. They can inspire or discourage you from fulfilling your destiny. Words are magical when spoken in a positive manner. Or, you can start Armageddon in our life when you speak negative words into your atmosphere. Uplifting words powered by faith will create spectacular results! If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself…I will be waiting to hear your results!

6. Lurking Action.

You know what I mean right?? We have all done it before on Facebook. Watching and reading post from people who we are not really passionate about their content. Or, when there is not enough substance to honestly connect and converse with the group or individuals…wink, wink. Okay, that’s not allowed when it comes to taking action. It’s time to put your backbone into action and do what’s necessary to complete the task at hand. When you execute your action plan, you can expect to see jaw-dropping results.

7. A Love Affair With Failure.

I have a confession to make. I was in love with failure. Why not be in love with this thing called failure? I had failed at so many projects, we started a courtship. Love relationships with failure are off-limits when it comes to dating success. You can make friends with failure from the standpoint of learning from it…but it must end there. It will take daring thoughts and action to begin your new jubilant relationship with SUCCESS!

Remember this, never go down without a courageous fight. If you are serious about grabbing and captivating the eyes of success, you must give all you got! Circle your success by acting like you already have it in the palm of your hands.

– See more at: http://www.blacklifecoaches.net/2014/10/27/7-reasons-success-ignoring/#sthash.D1Gcfo5u.dpuf