Wearing a Hoodie Could Soon Be a Crime

Nothing was as emblematic in the Trayvon Martin killing as his sweatshirt.

He was a Black kid in a hoodie.

Every offensive Halloween costume “inspired” by his death included it. His death sparked an entire hoodie movement. Even the Smithsonian was reportedly interested in acquiring the hoodie Martin was wearing when he was shot to death by George Zimmerman.

Now, in Oklahoma, wearing a hoodie in public may soon be a crime, carrying a $500 fine.

Wearing a hoodie could soon be a crime - hoodie movementSenate Bill 13 (SB13) includes an amendment that will ban hoods in public places, supposedly to help victims of robberies.

“The intent of Senate Bill 13 is to make businesses and public places safer by ensuring that people cannot conceal their identities for the purpose of crime or harassment,” amendment author State Senator Don Barrington said.

But Oklahoma already has a law in place that prohibits hoods during the commission of a crime. It’s been in effect since the 1920s, when it was passed in response to the KKK.

The existing law does not seem enough for Barrington, however.

“Similar language has been in Oklahoma statutes for decades and numerous other states have similar laws in place,” he said. “Oklahoma businesses want state leaders to be responsive to their safety concerns, and this is one way we can provide protection.”

“I think this is a violation of an individual’s right to choose what they want to wear as long as it doesn’t violate the realm of public decency and moral values, and I think this could be very problematic,” Oklahoma-based attorney James Siderias said. “I think the legislature is just trying to make Oklahoma a little bit safer, and in doing so, I think they just overreached a little bit.”

Some locals see right through the proposed law, and believe it only gives police more reason for unnecessary confrontations.

“I don’t think that solution will work. I just think that will cause a little more tension within the community. It probably will be a reason for cops to mess with more people wearing hoodies,” one person said.

The proposal includes exemptions for Halloween costumes, protection from the weather, masquerade parties … and outdated, racist minstrel shows, which often included the use of Blackface.
