Cissy Houston reportedly in line to inherit Whitney Houston’s estate


Cissy Houston Whitney Estate

With Bobbi Kristina’s life hanging in the balance, a new report is shedding light on who will inherit Whitney Houston’s estate.

According to the New York Daily News, Cissy Houston – not Bobby Brown – could inherit Whitney’s roughly $20 million legacy.  Bobbi Kristina was reportedly named sole beneficiary in the will, with most of the money was left in a trust fund to be received when Bobbi turned 30.

Bobby Brown was initially named as a beneficiary of Whitney Houston’s will, but their divorce nullified any claims he might have once held, according to the Daily News report.

Some money was to be released when she turned 21, then another would be distributed at age 25, with the remainder at age 30.

The Daily News has learned, however, that the will dictates that mother Cissy Houston and her two sons, Whitney’s brothers, would receive the fortune should Bobbi die before age 30.

But there is a new problem looming over Bobbi’s estate. Nick Gordon, 25, has staked his own claim on the estate, saying that he and Bobbi were married.

Although a family lawyer denies that an official marriage ever took place, Georgia law would give him the inheritance if he can prove his claims. Otherwise, the estate would go to Bobbi’s next of kin: her father, Bobby Brown.

This is all assuming, of course, that Bobbi had not drawn up a will of her own. “If she has a will, that trumps all,” said  Atlanta legal expert Bruce Gaynes.

Cissy Houston reportedly in line to inherit Whitney Houston's estate