7 Ways To Develop your Self-Confidence and Shake Shyness

7 Ways To Develop your Self-Confidence and Shake Shyness

Are you a shy person? Do you find it difficult to meet new people? Do you find it difficult to deal with new situations? If you answered yes to any of those questions, it is ok. Being shy can happen to anyone at anytime. Even people who are normally confident have times where they are placed in situations where they feel shy.

Shy individuals tend to have difficulties when it comes to expressing themselves and communicating in highly social scenarios. It is normal for them to feel nervous about approaching people and starting conversations.  Having to meet new people is often one of the hardest things for shy individuals to do. If you have difficulties overcoming your shyness, here are some helpful tips for you:

1.    Fake it until you make it. Before anything else, find out the reason for your shyness. Next, as awkward as it may seem, try to force yourself to act like you are confident. Tell yourself every day that you are confident.  The more you do this, the more you will believe it and the more confident you will become.

2.  Improve your self-confidence. The lack of self-confidence may hinder you from overcoming your shyness. Find ways to develop your self-confidence. Confidence plays a major role in being able to converse with others.

3.    Always look as impressive as you can be. When you dress better you feel better; Looking great will make you feel better and may be helpful in boosting your self-confidence.

4.    Watch Others. Try to observe how friends or acquaintances behave in social situations. They may do something you can try yourself. In this way, you can learn how to get over your shyness.

5.    Join organizations and participate in activities that you find interesting. Starting a conversation with those you have something in common with is easier than trying to start a conversation with someone whom who may have very little in common with. This will help to start build your confidence and help you to overcome your shyness

6.    Smile. If you find it hard to approach people and make new connections smile; this will make you approachable.  If you smile and appear approachable most people will gravitate to you.

7.    Have a partner. You can also let somebody accompany you when you attend new or different events to reduce your anxieties.

Still feeling shy? Try working with a coach.

– See more at: http://www.blacklifecoaches.net/2015/01/20/7-ways-shake-shyness/#sthash.IBfLOuvd.dpuf

Florida Woman Has 14-Pound Baby Boy After Surprise Pregnancy!

avery ford & mom Maxxzandra Ford) 

*Nope, you didn’t deliver twins. You just gave birth to a 14 pound bouncing baby!

That’s the scenario a Florida woman named Maxxzandra Ford, 26, found herself in recently.

On top of that, Ford, 26, didn’t even know she was pregnant until her 3rd trimester.

Ford’s baby, a boy named Avery, was delivered at St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital in Tampa on January 29. Hospital officials say the infant is the heaviest born at the facility, and one of the largest-ever born in the state.

Ford, who also has a 1-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter, told television stations WFLA and WFTS that after rapidly gaining weight last fall, doctors confirmed she was 35 weeks into her pregnancy. Ford said she initially thought she was having twins.

After 18 hours of labor, Ford naturally delivered Avery, who remains in neonatal intensive care but is expected to go home soon.

avery ford (sleep)Once she recovered from the impact of the delivery, she asked, “Does anyone know how much my baby weighs? They were like, ‘Your baby weighed 14 pounds and one ounce.’ ‘What!? My baby weighed what?!’ They were like, ‘Your baby is like adorably huge.’”

He’s so huge, dad is already laying out Avery’s future.

“I’ve got a linebacker instead or a fullback,” exclaimed Ford’s partner and Avery’s father, Allen Denton.

Ford says she “just melted” when she finally held Avery.

Read more at http://www.eurweb.com/2015/02/florida-woman-has-14-pound-baby-boy-after-surprise-pregnancy/#YmdGsghkqDuyDFpx.99

Barkley Blasts DWade as Not an All-Star; Gabrielle Union Fires Back (Watch)

gabriell union & charles barkley*Recently, Charles Barkley came for Dwyane Wade on “Inside the NBA” and said he shouldn’t have made the all-star team. His wife Gabrielle Union didn’t take too kindly to Barkley’s remarks, according to Dime Magazine.

“Dwyane’s great, he’s a Hall of Famer,” Barkley said when discussing Dwade’s inclusion at the Eastern Conference.  “But he didn’t deserve to make the All-Star team.”

There was a social media campaign that allowed Kyle Lowry to overtake a recently injured Dwade as an all-starter — who has no set time determined of when he will recover from his hamstring injury.

But Barkley’s comments didn’t stop Wade’s wife from firing back at the analyst who believed Brandon Knight was snubbed and deserved the nod more than Wade.

“Forgive Charles. .. Kenny Smith is a 2x champion & his opinion is most sound… it’s like me talkin bout Meryl Streep but I ain’t won nuthin,” Union said.

Her tweet was flashed on the screen and Barkley responded with, “we get paid to be honest.” Then, he blasted her acting in general and complimented her beauty.

Read more at http://www.eurweb.com/2015/02/barkley-blasts-dwade-as-not-an-all-star-gabrielle-union-fires-back-watch/#zsYlh6oBTLFQ8yoW.99

5 jobs that pay $100K without an advanced degree


The $100,000 per year mark signifies a position of importance, status and higher-level skills. Most people look at a six-figure salary as something that’s unattainable by just your average Joe or Jane.

Why? Well, according to data published by Bankrate, only one in five households — 20% — earn at least six figures. And some of these households have two earners combining their incomes.

There are relatively few jobs that pay at least $100,000, and many require some sort of advanced degree, such as medical or law.

But, there are several jobs that pay six figures without that degree, and you may be surprised to see just how much money you can make in some of these positions.

Using Labor Statistics data, we’ve created a list of jobs that pay six figures and are attainable if you have a bachelor’s degree or less.

1. Consultants

Are you a natural problem solver? Well, consultants, or management analysts, work with businesses to find ways to help them operate more efficiently. As of 2012, there were 718,700 consultants employed in the U.S., and the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates big growth in this occupation between 2012 and 2022. Another 134,000 or so positions should become available during that time period.

• Median salary: $79,870 (average salary is about $90,000)

• 75th percentile: $106,950

• 90th percentile: $145,920

• Minimum requirements: You can become a consultant with only a bachelor’s degree, but some employers do prefer that candidates earn a master’s degree. Typical candidates have several years of experience in a particular field of expertise, such as human resources, finance, or information technology. Licensing is available through the Institute of Management Consultants USA, where consultants can earn a CMC — or certified management consultant — designation.

2. Agents

Are you a people person with negotiation skills? You may be a great talent or sports agent, and although you may not be paid as much as your client, you can still earn six figures.

• Median salary: $64,490 (average salary is about $94,000)

• 75th percentile: $116,860

• 90th percentile: greater than $187,199

• Minimum requirements: There are no formal education requirements, but because of the contract negotiations that may be involved, a bachelor’s degree in management, sports management, or a related field can be helpful. According to O*Net, 50% of agents have a bachelor’s degree, 25% have some college but no degree, and 12% have only a high school diploma. Depending on the state where you live and the type of clients you want to represent, you also may be required to obtain a license.

3. Personal financial advisers

Do you wonder why it’s so hard for people to manage their money? Are all things money easy for you to understand? Maybe the job of a personal financial adviser is the career path for you. Between 2012 and 2022, the BLS expects strong growth (27) in the demand for personal financial advisers, with about 60,000 new positions opening up.

• Median salary: $75,320 (average salary is just under $100,000)

• 75th percentile: $124,680

• 90th percentile: greater than $187,199

• Minimum requirements: According to the BLS, “personal financial advisers typically need a bachelor’s degree. Although employers usually do not require a specific field of study for personal financial adviser, a degree in finance, economics, accounting, business, mathematics, or law is good preparation for this occupation.” A certified financial planner (CFP) license can enhance an adviser’s reputation in his or her field. These advisers may also need a license if they sell products, like bonds or securities.

4. Actuaries

Do you think in terms of risk and reward? Actuaries attach a price to risk and uncertainty, and they use mathematics and theory to help businesses take advantage of this knowledge. Over the next several years, this position is expected to see rapid growth, with more than 6,000 new positions opening up between 2012 and 2022.

• Median salary: $94,340 (average salary is around $108,000)

• 75th percentile: $132,490

• 90th percentile: $176,190

• Minimum requirements: Actuaries generally hold a bachelor’s degree in mathematics, statistics, business, or finance. When first starting out, they are trainees working under more experienced mentors. They go through long-term, on-the-job training and become licensed. Employers often pay for this licensing, and it is done through two professional societies: The Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS) and the Society of Actuaries (SOA).

5. Management positions

Are you a natural born leader? Well, a variety of management positions — ranging from human resources management to construction management — pay six figures. You may have to work your way up to these positions, but you can obtain many of them with only a bachelor’s degree.

• Median salary: $84,410 for construction managers, $100,800 for human resource managers, and $103,780 for purchasing managers

• 75th percentile: $111,710 for construction managers, $135,180 for human resources managers, and $133,700 for purchasing managers

• 90th percentile: $146,340 for construction managers, $177,460 for human resources managers, and $165,810 for purchasing managers

• Minimum requirements: Generally, managers who are paid at this level need a four-year degree and at least five years of related career experience.

The Cheat Sheet is a USA TODAY content partner offering financial news and commentary. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.


10 Curly Head Hacks

Curly hair is beautiful, but lets face it sometimes it can be a pain in the butt to manage. Try some of these hacks to make your life a little bit easier.

1. Drains Clogged? 

If detangle your hair over the bathroom sink, try covering it with saran wrap first. It will catch all of the hair before it gets to the drain, and it makes clean up a breeze. If you like to detangle in the shower, but a drain cover. It lets the water in and keeps the hair out!

2. Comb or Brush? 

Curly hair is better handled with a wide toothed comb, and if you can’t find yours, use your fingers they are a great alternative! This will ensure less damage, and will keep your frizz levels down.

3. Tip to Top 

When combing and detangling your hair try starting at the ends of your hair versus the roots. Tangles are much easier to get through when you start from the bottom and work your way up.

4. Reverse It 

Ever thought of applying your conditioner first? Well try it, it makes a heck of a difference. Next time you go to take a shower on wash day. Douse your dry strands with condition and put a plastic cap over your head. The steam from the shower will let the product really set in. Your now moisturized hair is ready to be cleaned, and it will make the process a lot easier.

5. DIY 

Still on the search for the perfect moisturizing shampoo? No need to look any longer. Just take your favorite conditioner and your favorite sulfate free shampoo and mix it together. Voila you now have a moisturizing cleanser!

6. Lose The Towel 

Next time your finished washing your hair wrap your head in a cotton t-shirt versus a towel. Towels cause damage to the hair cuticles, and create loads of frizz.

7. Pineapple 

Can’t figure out how to keep your curls intact while you sleep. Flip your head over and pile all of your hair on top of your head in the highest ponytail possible. wrap a scarf around the base of your head and go to sleep. The next morning you will have undisturbed curls and lots of volume!

8. Gel It Right 

Love your styling gel, but your styling gel isn’t quite the best for your hair? Try mixing it with a bit of leave in conditioner. Styling gels can often be drying to the hair, but with your added moisture to the mix, you can feel free to style gel away.

9. Kind of Crunchy? 

After styling your hair with gels and mousse after a few days your hair may feel a little bit on the crunchy side. Try taking some of your favorite oil and running it through your hair. This will help soften up those curls, while giving them some added shine.

10. Don’t Rinse It All Out

Next time you go to rinse out your conditioner, make sure you use cold water and don’t rinse it all out. It’s okay! Your curls will love you for the residual product!


Bad haircuts for bad kids? Barber offers unique punishment

SNELLVILLE, Ga. –A Georgia barber is offering a unique service to help misbehaving kids clean up their act.

Russell Frederick says he came up with the idea of giving kids bad haircuts as an alternative to corporal punishment when his own son was misbehaving.

“I did a cut with my son a couple of months ago when he was acting up in school and I told him I’d get more creative with the cut,” Frederick said. “You got to be creative with your discipline. You can’t touch them for fear of police or law enforcement getting involved. I don’t whoop my kids, so that was the way I chose to discipline him at the time.”

A customer approached him at A1 Kutz, the barber shop he co-owns, asking him to give her son the cut for misbehaving.

Frederick says he’s already seen results.

“My son, his grades came up dramatically, because he doesn’t want that cut. I think it worked very well,” he said.

Frederick says three children have already endured the embarrassing cuts in the past month.


Cissy Houston reportedly in line to inherit Whitney Houston’s estate


Cissy Houston Whitney Estate

With Bobbi Kristina’s life hanging in the balance, a new report is shedding light on who will inherit Whitney Houston’s estate.

According to the New York Daily News, Cissy Houston – not Bobby Brown – could inherit Whitney’s roughly $20 million legacy.  Bobbi Kristina was reportedly named sole beneficiary in the will, with most of the money was left in a trust fund to be received when Bobbi turned 30.

Bobby Brown was initially named as a beneficiary of Whitney Houston’s will, but their divorce nullified any claims he might have once held, according to the Daily News report.

Some money was to be released when she turned 21, then another would be distributed at age 25, with the remainder at age 30.

The Daily News has learned, however, that the will dictates that mother Cissy Houston and her two sons, Whitney’s brothers, would receive the fortune should Bobbi die before age 30.

But there is a new problem looming over Bobbi’s estate. Nick Gordon, 25, has staked his own claim on the estate, saying that he and Bobbi were married.

Although a family lawyer denies that an official marriage ever took place, Georgia law would give him the inheritance if he can prove his claims. Otherwise, the estate would go to Bobbi’s next of kin: her father, Bobby Brown.

This is all assuming, of course, that Bobbi had not drawn up a will of her own. “If she has a will, that trumps all,” said  Atlanta legal expert Bruce Gaynes.

Cissy Houston reportedly in line to inherit Whitney Houston's estate

Police Launch Investigation into Bobbi Kristina Brown’s Drowning

Authorities have launched an investigation into the drowning of Bobbi Kristina Brown, who remains on life support since being found unconscious in a bathtub last Saturday.

“Foul play is begin investigated,” a family source tells PEOPLE. “Including drug use and possibly cover up to remove evidence from the crime scene.”

At the center of that investigation is Bobbi Kristina’s boyfriend Nick Gordon, a source with knowledge of the case told CNN. Another source close to the family told the news network that the 21-year-old daughter of Whitney Houston had “injuries that still need to be explained.”

In addition, law enforcement insiders told TMZ that police are looking into a possible altercation between Bobbi Kristina and Gordon more than an hour before she was found unresponsive. Multiple sources told the site that there is a history of violence between the two.

According to TMZ, Max Lomas, the friend who discovered Brown’s body with Gordon, claims that he saw Gordon cleaning blood stains.

Roswell Police Chief Rusty Grant told PEOPLE that the police are “going to follow the evidence and see where it leads us.”

Family members gathered at Bobbi Kristina’s bedside throughout the past week to offer their support.

In an emotional Facebook post on Thursday, her cousin Jerod Brown asked fans to pray for a miracle.

“Though it seems the odds are against her, though doctors don’t see any hope for change, though we might want to play detective and find out how she got there, though it looks impossible for her to stand again STILL PRAY FOR BK,” he wrote.

Lawyers for Bobby Brown and Max Lomas did not immediately respond for comment.


Bobbi Kristina – Doing Significantly Better

12:25 PM PST — The Houston family says, “Bobbi Kristina is fighting for her life and is surrounded by immediate family. As her father already stated, we are asking you to honor our request for privacy during this difficult time.”
Bobbi Kristina — who was revived from death over the weekend — is now doing significantly better … TMZ has learned, but it’s still touch and go.

Sources connected with the family tell us … doctors performed tests Monday morning and determined the swelling on her brain has gone down. In addition, she has been able to “move her eyes” … all important signs.

Perhaps most important … we’re told the oxygen levels in her brain have increased significantly — 4 times better than Sunday.

But the family has been told … because Bobbi Kristina was deprived of oxygen for anywhere between 2 to 5 minutes while she was submerged in a tub, doctors fear neurological damage.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2015/02/02/bobbi-kristina-update-doing-better-brain-damage-bathtub/#ixzz3QdPVrljo

Bobbi Kristina – One Positive Sign – But Still in Peril

Doctors saw a slight glimmer of hope for Bobbi Kristina Monday morning — but they remain clear she’s not out of the woods.

Sources connected to the Houston family tell TMZ … doctors were testing BK’s brain reaction to different stimuli, and saw “minimal response” during one of the tests. We’re told doctors view this as a very slight improvement — but it’s enough to delay any immediate discussion of turning off life support.

As we’ve reported … the situation has been bleak, and we’re told just last night the family started discussing funeral arrangements.

Bobbi Kristina’s been in a medically induced coma since Saturday … when she was found unconscious in her bathtub.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2015/02/02/bobbi-kristina-life-support-family-gathers-hospital/#ixzz3QcUbfRx9