7 Ways To Develop your Self-Confidence and Shake Shyness

7 Ways To Develop your Self-Confidence and Shake Shyness

Are you a shy person? Do you find it difficult to meet new people? Do you find it difficult to deal with new situations? If you answered yes to any of those questions, it is ok. Being shy can happen to anyone at anytime. Even people who are normally confident have times where they are placed in situations where they feel shy.

Shy individuals tend to have difficulties when it comes to expressing themselves and communicating in highly social scenarios. It is normal for them to feel nervous about approaching people and starting conversations.  Having to meet new people is often one of the hardest things for shy individuals to do. If you have difficulties overcoming your shyness, here are some helpful tips for you:

1.    Fake it until you make it. Before anything else, find out the reason for your shyness. Next, as awkward as it may seem, try to force yourself to act like you are confident. Tell yourself every day that you are confident.  The more you do this, the more you will believe it and the more confident you will become.

2.  Improve your self-confidence. The lack of self-confidence may hinder you from overcoming your shyness. Find ways to develop your self-confidence. Confidence plays a major role in being able to converse with others.

3.    Always look as impressive as you can be. When you dress better you feel better; Looking great will make you feel better and may be helpful in boosting your self-confidence.

4.    Watch Others. Try to observe how friends or acquaintances behave in social situations. They may do something you can try yourself. In this way, you can learn how to get over your shyness.

5.    Join organizations and participate in activities that you find interesting. Starting a conversation with those you have something in common with is easier than trying to start a conversation with someone whom who may have very little in common with. This will help to start build your confidence and help you to overcome your shyness

6.    Smile. If you find it hard to approach people and make new connections smile; this will make you approachable.  If you smile and appear approachable most people will gravitate to you.

7.    Have a partner. You can also let somebody accompany you when you attend new or different events to reduce your anxieties.

Still feeling shy? Try working with a coach.

– See more at: http://www.blacklifecoaches.net/2015/01/20/7-ways-shake-shyness/#sthash.IBfLOuvd.dpuf

Good or Bad? David and Tamela Mann Debute “It’s A Mann’s World” on BET

David-and-Tamela-Mann On Wednesday night, David and Tamela Mann will add a reality show to their repertoire with their highly anticipated show “It’s a Mann’s Word”. The show will premier on Wednesday, January 14 at 9:00 p.m. EST on BET.

The couple are not new to television, thanks to director, screenwriter and playwright Tyler Perry. The couple is well known for their starring roles on Tyler Perry’s #1 comedy, “Meet the Browns” as well as their stage performances in many of Perry’s plays. Tamela is also a well known and award winning gospel singer who has worked with and collaborated with artists such as Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams, Mary J. Blige and  Celine Dion.

The Mann’s new reality show will give their fans and viewers a peek into their lives and what goes into making them the celebrities that they are. The show will also give more insight about who the Manns are and take a look at their home life with their family and close friends.

The first season will be eight one hour shows.

My interest in this show is two fold. First, I am excited to see a show that promises to show A Black family in a positive light, especially since we tend to only see negativity on reality shows,especially those that feature Black women. My other reason for taking an interest in the show is that I think Tamela Mann is the perfect example of what I call a Mocha Mogul. Mann balances marriage, motherhood and “money-making” but up until now, we never really knew how she was doing it successfully.

It seems to constantly be suggested to us that if a woman has a great career like Mann’s then she must either forgo marriage and motherhood or do a poor job in those roles. It will be great to watch the Manns in action as they juggle the different aspects of their lives.

Tamela and David have been married for 26 years and have worked together in their singing careers, as well as in their acting careers and other entrepreneurship ventures. The couple have four adult children.

So, is this new reality show a good or bad idea? Well, considering how quickly reality shows can go bad, that remains to be seen. We can’t deny that reality shows seem to be where otherwise seemingly good marriages and reputations go to meet their demise but I am hopeful and optimistic that this show will ultimately be good.


Gospel Great Andrae’ Crouch Dies At 72

crouch<img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-452953″ src=”https://ioneblackdoctor.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/crouch.jpg?w=800&h=449″ alt=”crouch” width=”800″ height=”449″ />Andrae Crouch, a legendary gospel performer, songwriter and choir director whose work graced songs by Michael Jackson and Madonna and movies such as “The Lion King,” has died. He was 72.

Crouch died Thursday, January 8th, 2015 in the afternoon at Northridge Hospital Medical Center, where he had been admitted Saturday after suffering a heart attack, said his publicist, Brian Mayes.

The Recording Academy, which awarded seven Grammys to Crouch during a career that spanned more than 50 years, said in a statement that he was “a remarkable musician and legendary figure” who was “fiercely devoted to evolving the sound of contemporary, urban gospel music.”

Crouch had health issues in recent years, including diabetes and cancer. In December, he was hospitalized after suffering a bout with pneumonia and congestive heart failure prompting him to cancel his “Let The Church Say Amen Celebration Tour” slated to start December 9 in Philadelphia.

Crouch and his twin sister, Sandra Crouch, also a singer, lived in the Pacoima area of Los Angeles. They were pastors at the New Christ Memorial Church in the Los Angeles suburb of San Fernando.

“Today my twin brother, womb-mate and best friend went home to be with the Lord,” said Pastor Sandra Crouch. “I tried to keep him here but God loved him best.”

Crouch’s success came despite a lifelong struggle with dyslexia. He pinned his first gospel song at the age of 14. To create, he would make drawings that allowed him to grasp the concept. For the Michael Jackson song, “Man in the Mirror”, he drew a mirror with an image in it.

Pastor Sandra Crouch reports that her brother got his start in music at their father’s small church, which was opened in a garage in the San Fernando Valley in 1951. Their father needed a piano player for the church, prayed on it, and three weeks later Crouch was working the keys.

His work in gospel can be summed up in this quote from Crouch, “I think that when we like songs in gospel and it hits that part of the soul or the mind that brings back familiarity to the person or to the listeners, I think we zero in on something that will always be needed. It touches that part of their heart that has been untouched or maybe it has been touched, but they never wanted to admit it. I think that when they get back to that, I think that we are still in a place that people enjoy it the way it’s supposed to be enjoyed.”

10 Resolutions To Spiritual Strength In 2015


I’m sure by now many of us would have thought about or even have decided on a resolution to achieve something in 2015. This article is meant to give an insight into making a faith filled New Year.

It shouldn’t come as surprise to us that the majority of us would have abandoned and even seen failure with resolutions by the end of January. In fact research indicates that 80% of us would have broken our resolves by January 31! Sadly only 5% of us would have continued in our quest to see through the resolution by year end. At the end of day when we prepare our New Year resolution, we are half-hearted about it. The major cause of failed resolutions is our expectation of success or level of confidence of achieving our objective. Simply put, if you expect to fail, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy and if you have the confidence to succeed, you will achieve your goal 100% or close to it. So let’s keep this in mind trying to formulate our New Year resolution.

There is a key method that can be used for sticking to New Year’s Resolutions. They must be specific, measurable, and achievable, with a realistic and have a real deadline.

1.  To read the Daily Readings
2.  To say morning and night prayers
3.  To abstain from buying luxury goods, or to spend money frivolously
4.  To endure with, provide comfort to and pray for a loved one undergoing suffering
5.  To cease arrogant or condescending attitude
6.  To spend time with the elderly in nursing homes weekly or monthly
7.  To volunteer your time and effort at soup kitchens daily, weekly, monthly
8.  To restore our dented relationship with family members or friends or neighbors
9.  To bring about peace among dueling family members, friends or neighbors
10. To practice, display and discuss my faith openly in public schools and institutions although they will attempt to silence me.

Keep a journal of your successes and failures. You will be spiritually stronger if you try. Monitor on a monthly interval to analyze progress and take corrective measures – don’t monitor weekly as over monitoring can cause exasperation and discourage you

Happy New Year and God Bless you! I hope you achieve whatever you set out to do.


Prayer For A Blessing Of The New Year

black woman coffee thinking

O Holy Creator, hear our prayers on behalf of  all that are in authority over us and our humble selves. Bless, we beseech Thee, during the coming year, the whole country; convert heretics and unbelievers; soften the hearts of sinners so that they may return to Thy friendship; give prosperity to our country and peace among the nations of the world; pour down Thy blessings upon our friends, relatives, and acquaintances, and upon our enemies, if we have any; assist the poor and the sick; have pity on the souls of those whom this year has taken from us; and do Thou be merciful to those who during the coming year will be summoned before Thy judgment seat.

May all our actions be preceded by Thy inspirations and carried on by Thy assistance, so that all our prayers and works, having been begun in Thee, may likewise be ended through Thee. Amen.


Unconditional Love is AUTHENTIC LOVE

Unconditional Love is AUTHENTIC LOVE

What is the meaning of Unconditional Love? According to Wikipedia: Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations. It can be also love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, complete love, or “mother’s/father’s love.” Each area of expertise has a certain way of describing unconditional love, but most will agree that it is that type of love, which has no bounds and is unchanging. It is a concept in one’s mind comparable to true love, a term that is more frequently used to describe love between lovers. By contrast, unconditional love is frequently used to describe love between family members, comrades in arms and between others in highly committed relationships. An example of this is a parent’s love for their child; no matter a test score, a life changing decision, an argument, or a strong belief, the amount of love that remains between this bond is seen as unchanging and unconditional.

In religion, unconditional love is thought to be part of the Four Loves; affection, friendship, romance, and unconditional.In ethology, or the study of animal behavior, unconditional love would refer to altruism, which in turn refers to the behavior by individuals that increases the fitness of another while decreasing the fitness of the individual committing the act. In psychology, unconditional love refers to a state of mind in which one has the goal of increasing the welfare of another, despite any evidence of benefit for oneself.

Unconditional Love is loving everyone from the authenticity of your soul, without judgment, condition or ulterior motive. When we allow ourselves, permission to become beautifully vulnerable and let our true love flow freely the world we live in will become the place it was always meant to be. A place of love, joy and peace that all humanity deserves to experience.

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”- Oscar Wilde

We were created to be an ambassador of God’s love of humanity. Are you a believer in LOVE, God’s love, true love, unconditional love and self-love? We must first understand and appreciate God’s Love for us and then our love for ourselves, so that we can love one another completely, abundantly and authentically. God showed us unconditional love by giving us his ONLY BEGOTTON SON JESUS, so that we might have eternal life. There is no greater love than a man who would lay down his life for a friend. How many of us could and would give up our lives for someone else? If we just learned how to love purely, freely and totally the world we live in would be a much better place to dwell in.

No matter how exceptional you are, how successful your ministry is, how close to God you think you are, one necessary principal should guide everything we do. Otherwise, anything you do for the Lord is simply a waste of time. That, of course is Love, 1st Corinthians 13 is one of the most famous passages of Scripture about LOVE. It is quoted at weddings routinely. No matter how much we know, how much great wisdom we speak, if we utter incredible mysteries that wow the masses, if we do not do things in love it is really no point at all. No matter what we can do, without love it is meaningless. We can give of ourselves, our time, talents and possessions, be the humblest most giving person on earth and even give up our life for our faith but, if we are not flowing in God’s love we might as well not do it.

  • Love was meant to be unconditional and true from the beginning of time, according to I Corinthians 13 the qualities of love are as follows:
  • Love is long-suffering. This means being tolerant with people and not with situations.
  • Love is compassionate. This means that love is sweet to all people.
  • Love knows no jealousy. We are not to covet the belongings of other people or prefer that others have nothing at all.
  • Love is not conceited. Authentic love will always be far more impressed with its own unworthiness than its own value.
  • Love is not arrogant. A child of God never thinks of his own significance but, that of others first.
  • Love is not discourteous. Hospitality in Christian love never forgets that politeness, tact and good manners are exquisite things.
  • Love is not self-centered. The majority of the tribulations, which surround us today, could be avoided if we would think less of our rights and more of our duties.
  • Love is not easily infuriated. God’s love never becomes annoyed with people. When we lose our tempers, we lose everything.
  • Love keeps no file of wrongs. People seem to keep track of the things that they believe were done wrong to them, instead of forgiving and forgetting as God has instructed us to do.
  • Love does not delight in iniquity. Love finds no pleasure in anything that is wrong. Godly love finds no pleasure in bad reports.
  • Love rejoices with honesty. Godly love has no desire to veil truthfulness; it has nothing to hide and so is glad when the truth is exposed.
  • Love always protects. Love would rather fix things than publicly displaying them. Love covers ones indiscretions rather than exposing them to bring shame to the offender.
  • Love always has faith in others. We create people to be what we deem them to be, they will either trustworthy or not.
  • Love always is optimistic. Love is hopeful! Love knows that God has everything under his jurisdiction.
  • Love always perseveres. Love stands the test of time and it endures all things.

As you can see Godly love, is unconditional love of God, yourself and others. Remember this, if you learn to love yourself after first loving God authentically and completely, you will never be without love a day in your life. Show love today and watch God move.

– See more at: http://www.blacklifecoaches.net/2014/12/29/unconditional-love-authentic-love/#sthash.beu5sMyI.dpuf

7 Reasons Success Is Ignoring You

7 Reasons Success Is Ignoring You

1. Damaged Goods

 Success is not attracted to nor is looking to partner with someone who believes that they are “damaged” goods. Yes, I know crap happens to all. But yet, there comes a time when we must get over ourselves and position our mind- set towards success. Success can mean: Feeling excited about that pounding in your heart because of what you do. Hanging in there through the hard times to achieve your desired outcome. It comes when we wake up on purpose every day…no matter what! Keep this in mind, that most successful people are not rational thinkers. We are delusional in a good way!

2. Living A Cookie Cutter Life.

Living as though you are a product of a manufacturing company that produces one kind of generic cookie. Becoming “comfortable” with the” status quo.” Not being able to stand out in a crowd with your dreams and goals. Stop following the crowd. Follow your bliss! That thing that makes you different. Take a risk on you, the most important person that you will ever meet! Foster your creativity. Harness your entrepreneurial skills. And live a “no limit” lifestyle starting now.

 3. Not Following Instructions.

Success leaves clues. “Remember, success leaves clues and to find those clues, you’ve got to tune in!” ~Tony Robbins

Almost all success stories including your own, will follow the directions of : Dream big! Fail forward. Own and accept your OWN success. Once you have completed the previous instructions, start over and try it all again!

4. Complicated Intentions.

Be clear with your intentions. To have in mind a purpose or plan. The aim that you are seeking and reaching for the end of your goal. Clarity of your intentions will bring forth clear and concise successful results. Recalibrate your intentions and update your internal navigational system.

5. Your Spoken Words.

Your words have power! They can build or destroy. They can inspire or discourage you from fulfilling your destiny. Words are magical when spoken in a positive manner. Or, you can start Armageddon in our life when you speak negative words into your atmosphere. Uplifting words powered by faith will create spectacular results! If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself…I will be waiting to hear your results!

6. Lurking Action.

You know what I mean right?? We have all done it before on Facebook. Watching and reading post from people who we are not really passionate about their content. Or, when there is not enough substance to honestly connect and converse with the group or individuals…wink, wink. Okay, that’s not allowed when it comes to taking action. It’s time to put your backbone into action and do what’s necessary to complete the task at hand. When you execute your action plan, you can expect to see jaw-dropping results.

7. A Love Affair With Failure.

I have a confession to make. I was in love with failure. Why not be in love with this thing called failure? I had failed at so many projects, we started a courtship. Love relationships with failure are off-limits when it comes to dating success. You can make friends with failure from the standpoint of learning from it…but it must end there. It will take daring thoughts and action to begin your new jubilant relationship with SUCCESS!

Remember this, never go down without a courageous fight. If you are serious about grabbing and captivating the eyes of success, you must give all you got! Circle your success by acting like you already have it in the palm of your hands.

– See more at: http://www.blacklifecoaches.net/2014/10/27/7-reasons-success-ignoring/#sthash.D1Gcfo5u.dpuf

7 Ways I Resist The Urge To QUIT

Resist the urge to quit

There are times when I feel the urge to quit on my goals and dreams. The eight hundred pound gorilla jumps on my back and makes an attempt to paralyze my efforts to finish strong. Then suddenly, I realize that it’s an illusion…smoke and mirrors to get me to QUIT! During these difficult times I must find the strength and courage to keep going! Resistance and opposition shows up when I am working on something GREAT! When they call, I have learned not to answer. These two are not attracted to low hanging fruit. They prefer fruit that grows at higher altitudes. There is a unique and delicious taste that comes from fruit that grows on “successful” trees!

1.    Become still and get clear.

When I lack clarity, I become hazardous to any project that I am working on. Visualize this, you are driving down a major interstate that’s currently under construction. You see a sign that says merge right. Then 1 mile later, you read another sign that says make a U-turn. Then you see another sign that’s says road closed…confusing, right. That’s what happens when I am not clear about my goals and dreams. During these times, I remove all distractions from my life and I get still. I stop, look and listen to the quiet still voice within…the soul. My soul will never lie to me or make a mistake as it relates to giving me guidance and direction. I believe that it’s my internal compass for mastering the life that I was created to LIVE!

2.    Remember my purpose.

I can recall times in my life when I poisoned my purpose by giving energy to toxic thoughts, people and situations. Garbage in will always be garbage out no matter how the trash is packaged and presented. It takes backbone, grit and mountain size faith to live on purpose. What I know to be true is that discovering my purpose was easier than keeping and working with my purpose. When I stopped working against my purpose and started working with it, the urge to quit vaporized…immediately! We (purpose and I) have become inseparable, like Siamese twins.

3.    Connect with my tribe.

When I reach out to the people of valor in my life, spectacular and amazing things happen. They remind me that all “successful” people have danced with the thought of quitting…at least once. They reiterate the notion that the “yellow brick road” that leads to success was designed for rest stops, not exits called Quit. They encourage and cheer for me when everything that is looming around me is screaming “QUIT NOW and don’t even think about trying again!” My tribe will always speak “truth” with love and they have a strong desire of helping me cross “my” finish line. If you don’t have a tribe, I urge you to find one that’s unique to you and your purpose! What I know for sure, is that your tribe/community will always recognize and support U as it relates to your gifts and talents!

4.    Commit to all things positive.

365 days of the year, no matter how I’m feeling, I must commit to keeping my self-worth and confidence intact. Positivity is a state of mind! I guard my positive environment like I was hired to guard a maximum security prison…it’s that serious!! What I expose my mind to will reflect in my behavior. If I want to know what’s happening in my mind, I examine my behavior. My actions will always follow my thoughts and my current state of mind. Actions do not know how to think, they only know how to follow orders. What I read, what I hear and what I see all play a vital role in maintaining a positive state of mind. I can tell when I have been exposed to buffoonery and negativity. They have the power to paralyze and leave me feeling helpless/ empty. This is how my internal compass send me warning signs that I am off course and that it is time to change directions. I call these “girl you better get up moments”…or else!

5.    Create daily rituals.

Every morning before I get out of bed, I pray, meditate and visualize my day. I never allow my emotions to dictate this sacred time with self. My emotions may shift, however, I must always remain constant with my morning inspiration. It’s priceless!

6.    Prepare while I recover.

Certain life events have left me feeling wounded like a defeated heavyweight boxer. During these times, it’s vital that I take time to heal and recover. I give myself permission to rest and regroup according to my watch. This recuperation time must be determined by me and me alone!

7.    Terminate the word Quit!

I stop partnering with that loathsome loser called quit. No further explanation needed for this tip. Just delete the word from your new and empowered vocabulary and add the word persevere.  Just carry on and keep going no matter what…all the way to “your” finish line!

“Perseverance is stubbornness with a purpose.”-Josh Shipp

– See more at: http://www.blacklifecoaches.net/2014/12/18/7-ways-resist-urge-quit/#sthash.8B3pbFYP.dpuf

Success At Any Level Requires One Thing

Success At Any Level Requires One Thing

By Jennifer Wilkes

MAKE YOUR IDEAS HAPPEN.  You can want for the rest of your life, but that does not mean you will actually get what it is you are wanting for.  You must follow through if you expect to experience the manifestation of your vision and goals.  Crossing your fingers and betting on luck will keep you begging and surrendering your freedom to someone else.  It is time for you to take control and drive.

 How many times have you started a project, like cleaning your closet, then you stop and never really finish?  That is a sure sign of your level of commitment.  When you choose to commit or not, you are communicating with yourself on what you value to be most important. The universe and your mind hear you and obey.

When you communicate that you are focused on a decision and that you are serious about it, life will take your choice into consideration and follow through on your behalf; reciprocation or the Law of Attraction.  Whatever you allow yourself to be preoccupied with is what you will attract more of.

Are you going to spend your life wanting success or are you going to follow through on being successful? 

 The difference between those who are successful and those who are not has nothing to do with the number of opportunities available to one or the other.  The difference is that those who are successful prepare, so that when the opportunity presents itself they are ready.  And how do successful people prepare?  They follow through.  Those who really accomplish their goals and elevate to higher levels in life, see their vision through until the end.  They set high standards for their own personal success.

Yes, it can seem easy to achieve many things when things are going well.  But, what happens when times are tough and there are still tasks that need to be done?  Do you give up and push your goals to the side until it is time for the next New Year’s resolutions?  I recommend that you don’t.  It is equally important to follow through when things are not going as you expected.  It does not mean you have to continue going in the same direction, but use those moments as the opportunity to make clear choices about your life, your business, and your relationships. This may involve creating healthy space away from certain people so that you can stay focused on achieving your goals.

Like everything else in life, following through on your purpose depends on the choices you make.  If you want to figure out whether or not you’re making the best choices for your purpose, consider the following:

  • How will this choice affect me?
  • If I choose X, Y will happen.  Is this what I really want to happen?
  • Is this choice in alignment with my purpose and what I want to achieve?

Whatever commitment you make, see it through.  Follow through on what you say you are going to do, especially when it comes to keeping promises to yourself.

Now do not confuse it.  Following through is not the same as being busy.  Many of us are busy, but we are not being proactive or productive.  And there is no point in being busy, if you are busy doing nothing.  Anything that takes up your time should contribute to your purpose, passions and your vision to help others.  That is what really keeps your momentum going.  And that is what gives you a strong foundation for success.

– See more at: http://www.blacklifecoaches.net/2014/12/23/success-any-level/#sthash.iUCiZpVr.dpuf