Keshia Knight Pulliam Fired From Celebrity Apprentice Because She Didn’t Ask for Bill Cosby’s Help

One word sums up Sunday night’s premiere: Awkward.


It’s always the hardest when you’re the first contestant to be fired from Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice, but it’s even harder when you’re fired and it’s shrouded in controversy that you have nothing to do with.

On Sunday night, Keshia Knight Pulliam was axed from Trump’s show because she failed to ask for help during one of her team’s challenges. Pulliam’s team had a charity task and everyone expected her, as project manager, to use her Cosby Show connections and ask her former TV father, Bill Cosby, for help to raise money for their charity.

 “I have not talked to Bill Cosby on the phone in I don’t know how long,” she explained to Trump in the boardroom. “For me to pick up the phone having not talked to you for five years, except for when we run into each other for a Cosby event, I feel that’s not my place to do.”


Although the series was filmed over a year ago, and the controversy surrounding Cosby had not again reared its ugly head, it made for really awkward television that probably should have been edited out. But, of course, ratings are king.

Trump didn’t accept Pulliam’s excuse as to why she didn’t reach out to Cosby and blamed her for her team’s failure.

“You are an amazing person, but you were the project manager. You didn’t make one call that I really believe that if you’d called that gentleman he would have helped you, even if you hadn’t spoken to him in years,” he said.

“You were an amazing team with one of the most successful shows ever, so I think it would have been a good call to make for charity,” he added. “You have to take responsibility.”

Since the recording of the show, over 20 women have come forward with accusations of being drugged and assaulted by Cosby. Trump defended using the footage in light of the recent controversy and stated that he wasn’t aware at the time of the taping.

I guess it doesn’t matter that these allegations have been around in previous years; apparently Trump lives under a rock.

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Yesha Callahan is editor of The Grapevine and a staff writer at The Root. Follow her on Twitter.

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Assistant Coach For Texas A&M Canned For Throwing Punches On the Field

Michael Richardson was kicked off the sideline for punching opposing team 

Texas A&M student assistant coach Michael Richardson was kicked off the sideline for the remaining half of a game his team was playing against West Virginia. He was kicked out after it was found out that he hit opposing players using his elbow and fist.

A camera recording showed the assistant coach elbowing and punching the students while on the sideline. The video clip shows Richardson hitting Andrew Buie using his elbow while another shows him punching Daryl Worley on the back of the head. Both incidences took place during the first half of the game.

The Texas A&M head coach Kevin Sumlin was told of the incident at the end of the first half. He didn’t hesitate to order Richardson to stay in the locker room for the rest of the second half.

When the game was over, Richardson was sent home immediately, with the head coach promising to deal with the issue later.

“I was made aware of the situation at halftime, he did not return to the field and he has already been sent home,” Sumlin said. “That’s nothing we condone, there’s nothing about that whole situation that’s a part of who we are and what we believe in. As I said, he has already been sent home, and we’ll deal with that when we get back.”

A day after the incident, reports from Texas A&M University indicate that the assistant coach has since been permanently dismissed from the Aggies program.

“Upon returning to College Station last night, I had the opportunity to gather information and watch clips of one of our student assistant coaches initiating physical contact on two separate occasions with a West Virginia player,” Sumlin’s statement said. “I am extremely disappointed and embarrassed, as his behavior reflected poorly on our program.”

The coach also extended an apology to West Virginia University over the unfortunate incident, terming it inexcusable.

“On behalf of the Texas A&M football program, I want to apologize to Daryl Worley and to Andrew Buie as well as to Coach Holgorsen and the West Virginia family for the inexcusable actions of the student assistant,” said the coach.

Richardson once played for Texas A&M University before he suffered a November 2012 neck injury that saw him undergo surgery. He later took over as the assistant head coach of the university.

6 Reasons Being Friends with Your Ex Is Overrated

They Judge

When you are truly ready to move on, the last thing you need to be exposed to is your ex’s opinion of your new beau. Not only is it bias, but it is more than likely negative. No need for their stamp of approval….

Out of Sight Out of Mind 

There is no better cure from a breakup is to not have to think about it. An ex’s consistent presence in your life will do nothing, but keep your mind on them and the situation. When it’s time to let go, if you want to be able to move forward, you need to avoid contact and communication.


Jealousy is a normal emotion to feel when you and your ex have split. Seeing them even the slightest bit happy with someone else may make you cringe inside. It’s best to keep your distance, so you won’t have to subject yourself to this possibility.

Were You Ever Friends?

There is nothing worse than the awkward realization that when sex is removed from the equation there is nothing left. If you weren’t really good friends prior to dating, you were probably never really friends to begin with. The last thing you need in order to move on is your faux friendship leading you both back into the bedroom, since it is what kept you together for so long.

Breakup #2

Most ex’s are just completely incapable of truly being just friends, and ultimately it will lead to another painful breakup. Breaking up as friends, may even be worse than it was as lovers. No need to put yourself through more pain, once you put the bandaid on you don’t want to have to rip it back off and start over again.

The Explanation

There is nothing more irritating to a new beau than you having an ex lingering around in the background. Not to mention the explanation you will have to keep giving to every new person you date. You really have to ask yourself, is it worth it?

Beverly Johnson speaks out about life after Cosby allegations

PALM SPRINGS, CA - JANUARY 03: Model Beverly Johnson attends the 26th Annual Palm Springs International Film Festival Awards Gala at Parker Palm Springs

Beverly Johnson is considered one of the most high profile women to have come forward with sexual assault allegations against Bill Cosby. So when the Palms Springs resident showed up to the Palm Springs International Film Festival Gala this week – she knew exactly what to expect.

The supermodel told The Hollywood Reporter at the festival:

It’s been a whirlwind month. I knew what to expect by coming here, and I was good with it — until I got here. My whole life changed in the last month. There has been an outpouring of women telling me their sexual abuse stories. I knew it was an important thing to do.

Now I hear these stories wherever I go.I know, though, that speaking out was the right thing to do — it is always the right thing to do.

Last month Johnson recounted her story on The View where she was questioned by the panel, including Whoopi Goldberg who has defended Cosby in the past.

Beverly Johnson speaks out about life after Cosby allegations