Unconditional Love is AUTHENTIC LOVE

Unconditional Love is AUTHENTIC LOVE

What is the meaning of Unconditional Love? According to Wikipedia: Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations. It can be also love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, complete love, or “mother’s/father’s love.” Each area of expertise has a certain way of describing unconditional love, but most will agree that it is that type of love, which has no bounds and is unchanging. It is a concept in one’s mind comparable to true love, a term that is more frequently used to describe love between lovers. By contrast, unconditional love is frequently used to describe love between family members, comrades in arms and between others in highly committed relationships. An example of this is a parent’s love for their child; no matter a test score, a life changing decision, an argument, or a strong belief, the amount of love that remains between this bond is seen as unchanging and unconditional.

In religion, unconditional love is thought to be part of the Four Loves; affection, friendship, romance, and unconditional.In ethology, or the study of animal behavior, unconditional love would refer to altruism, which in turn refers to the behavior by individuals that increases the fitness of another while decreasing the fitness of the individual committing the act. In psychology, unconditional love refers to a state of mind in which one has the goal of increasing the welfare of another, despite any evidence of benefit for oneself.

Unconditional Love is loving everyone from the authenticity of your soul, without judgment, condition or ulterior motive. When we allow ourselves, permission to become beautifully vulnerable and let our true love flow freely the world we live in will become the place it was always meant to be. A place of love, joy and peace that all humanity deserves to experience.

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”- Oscar Wilde

We were created to be an ambassador of God’s love of humanity. Are you a believer in LOVE, God’s love, true love, unconditional love and self-love? We must first understand and appreciate God’s Love for us and then our love for ourselves, so that we can love one another completely, abundantly and authentically. God showed us unconditional love by giving us his ONLY BEGOTTON SON JESUS, so that we might have eternal life. There is no greater love than a man who would lay down his life for a friend. How many of us could and would give up our lives for someone else? If we just learned how to love purely, freely and totally the world we live in would be a much better place to dwell in.

No matter how exceptional you are, how successful your ministry is, how close to God you think you are, one necessary principal should guide everything we do. Otherwise, anything you do for the Lord is simply a waste of time. That, of course is Love, 1st Corinthians 13 is one of the most famous passages of Scripture about LOVE. It is quoted at weddings routinely. No matter how much we know, how much great wisdom we speak, if we utter incredible mysteries that wow the masses, if we do not do things in love it is really no point at all. No matter what we can do, without love it is meaningless. We can give of ourselves, our time, talents and possessions, be the humblest most giving person on earth and even give up our life for our faith but, if we are not flowing in God’s love we might as well not do it.

  • Love was meant to be unconditional and true from the beginning of time, according to I Corinthians 13 the qualities of love are as follows:
  • Love is long-suffering. This means being tolerant with people and not with situations.
  • Love is compassionate. This means that love is sweet to all people.
  • Love knows no jealousy. We are not to covet the belongings of other people or prefer that others have nothing at all.
  • Love is not conceited. Authentic love will always be far more impressed with its own unworthiness than its own value.
  • Love is not arrogant. A child of God never thinks of his own significance but, that of others first.
  • Love is not discourteous. Hospitality in Christian love never forgets that politeness, tact and good manners are exquisite things.
  • Love is not self-centered. The majority of the tribulations, which surround us today, could be avoided if we would think less of our rights and more of our duties.
  • Love is not easily infuriated. God’s love never becomes annoyed with people. When we lose our tempers, we lose everything.
  • Love keeps no file of wrongs. People seem to keep track of the things that they believe were done wrong to them, instead of forgiving and forgetting as God has instructed us to do.
  • Love does not delight in iniquity. Love finds no pleasure in anything that is wrong. Godly love finds no pleasure in bad reports.
  • Love rejoices with honesty. Godly love has no desire to veil truthfulness; it has nothing to hide and so is glad when the truth is exposed.
  • Love always protects. Love would rather fix things than publicly displaying them. Love covers ones indiscretions rather than exposing them to bring shame to the offender.
  • Love always has faith in others. We create people to be what we deem them to be, they will either trustworthy or not.
  • Love always is optimistic. Love is hopeful! Love knows that God has everything under his jurisdiction.
  • Love always perseveres. Love stands the test of time and it endures all things.

As you can see Godly love, is unconditional love of God, yourself and others. Remember this, if you learn to love yourself after first loving God authentically and completely, you will never be without love a day in your life. Show love today and watch God move.

– See more at: http://www.blacklifecoaches.net/2014/12/29/unconditional-love-authentic-love/#sthash.beu5sMyI.dpuf

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