Student Slaps Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. With $3M Lawsuit For Hazing

Bowie State student files hazing lawsuit against fraternity

 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is best known for its community service and leadership in business and other sectors. Some of its prominent members include Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Dr. Cornel West, and many other revolutionary African-American men in Black America. The fraternity was recently praised for its involvement in the community following the racially-charged death of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old unarmed Black male who was shot and killed by a white police officer. The fraternity, which was founded in 1906, voiced its interest in paying for Brown’s funeral as protests throughout the world organized to call for an indictment of the officer who killed the teen.

The beloved fraternity is back in the spotlight but not for reasons they’d desire. Kevin Hayes, a student at Bowie State University, has filed a $3 million lawsuit against the fraternity for allegedly being beaten and hazed while pledging.  The lawsuit was filed on Monday in Prince George’s County Circuit Court for battery/hazing, false imprisonment and gross negligence.

The lawsuit names specific members of the fraternity who were allegedly behind the hazing. Hayes claims APhiA members  Mike Ross, Keenan Goins and others punched, hit, slapped, body slammed, and paddled him during the fall of 2013. According to the lawsuit, Goins was a graduate student and Ross was not a student at the time.

A photo was shared with a local news station which revealed bruising on Hayes’ buttocks as a result of the pledging practices. Hayes also claims he was required to attend five to eight hour “sets” during which he would learn chapter and fraternity information. According to the lawsuit, he was physically punished if the information was not done correctly.

Upon completion of the hazing process, the lawsuit claims that fraternity members threatened Hayes and his mother, saying they would come by her house and see her.

Hayes’ reputation on-campus appears to be ideal for those who aspire to be members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. A junior, Hayes is the executive member at large for Student Government Association for the 2014-2015 school year, the University of Maryland System School Student Council for the 2014-2015 school year, and a member of the Maryland Army National Guard since 2013.

Maryland’s anti-hazing law prohibits putting a student at risk of serious bodily injury for the purpose of initiation.

Chris Rock Blasts Wife – You Can’t Keep Our Kids From Me


Chris Rock wants to make sure his now estranged wife doesn’t punish him for divorcing her … by keeping their kids away from him.

In his divorce docs, filed in NJ last Tuesday — and obtained by TMZ — Rock complains that Malaak has been preventing him from seeing their 2 daughters on a regular basis. He is asking for shared legal and physical custody of 12-year-old Lola and 10-year-old Zahra.

As for finances … Rock acknowledges they had a prenup when they married in 1996 — but says it’s expired because they’ve been together for just over 18 years.

The split has been in the works for at least a month. In the docs, Rock says back in November they identified all the community property to be split up once they divorce.

Interestingly … Rock points out Malaak has the “ability to work and contribute to her own support” — which sounds like he’s angling to reduce any spousal support payments.

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Billionaire Charles Koch wants to reform nation’s criminal justice system

The criminal justice system just found itself a surprising ally in Charles Koch, the billionaire chairman and CEO of Koch Industries.

Koch has a long history of backing conservative efforts but says that due to his own experiences with the courts – he’s become aware of glaring inequities.

In an interview published in the Wichita Eagle this weekend, Koch opened up about a case in which a federal grand jury indicted Koch Industries on 97 counts of environmental crimes. Eventually they dropped all but one of the charges only after the company agreed to pay a large settlement.

According to Koch’s chief counsel Mark Holden, the case made the billionaire industrialist wonder “how the little guy who doesn’t have Koch’s resources deals with prosecutions like that,” the Eagle reports.

While Koch and his brother David usually back candidates who have fiscally conservative views – he recently told Barbara Walters in an interview that he is a “social liberal” and it appears he has been quietly backing criminal justice reform for years. Koch promises to ramp up those efforts in the upcoming year.

He told The Eagle

Over the next year, we are going to be pushing the issues key to this, which need a lot of work in this country. And that would be freedom of speech, cronyism and how that relates to opportunities for the disadvantaged.”

Koch strongly believes that sentencing could benefit the most from reform, calling for rulings “more appropriate to the crime that has been committed”. He has also integrated his efforts with progressive philanthropist George Soros and the American Civil Liberties Union to address the issue head-on.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder has praised Koch’s most recent donation to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), funding training for attorneys who represent those in need.

“That’s a good thing to hear” Holder, who told The Marshall Project “People from very different places along the ideological spectrum understanding that we have to make our criminal justice system more fair. There’s a justice gap. And to hear that the Koch brothers would be contributing money in that way is something that I think should be applauded.”

Billionaire Charles Koch wants to reform nation's criminal justice system

50 Cent slams ‘Empire’ for copying ‘Power’ marketing scheme

50 Cent (Photo via Getty images), and cast of Fox's 'Empire.'

50 Cent has beef with the Fox’s upcoming scripted drama series, Empire.

The rapper is accusing the new show, which stars Taraji P. Henson and Terrence Howard, of stealing the marketing scheme for the Starz series Power, which he executive produces.

“POWER Season 2 is unbelievably good trust me,” he posted on Instagram accompanied by a video clip of a Power ad. “I have the best writers and show runner. I like Terrence Howard and Taraji Henson. I don’t like that They would copy the Marketing.”

*****POWER Season 2 is unbelievably good trust me. I have the best writers and show runner. I like Terrence howard and Taraji Henson. I don’t like that They would copy the Marketing.#SMSAUDIO #FRIGO #POWERTV*****

He also posted a side by side show of Empire star Terrence Howard and Power star Omari Hardwick.

Empire premieres January 7 and tells the story of a Hip-Hop record exec and his troubled family. Power season 2 returns to Starz later in 2015.

Follow’s Entertainment Editor Chris Witherspoon on Twitter @WitherspoonC.

50 Cent slams 'Empire' for copying 'Power' marketing scheme

Ice Cube debuts captivating NWA ‘Straight Outta Compton’ movie trailer

The highly anticipated NWA biopic, Straight Outta Compton, hit theaters in 2015, and Ice Cube is clearly excited.

While recently performing on-stage in Sydney, Australia, the rapper gave fans the first ever look at the film’s trailer.

A fan recorded the unveiling.

Straight Outta Compton is directed by F. Gary Gray and tells the story of how NWA emerged from the streets of Compton, California in the mid-1980s and revolutionized pop culture with their music and tales about life in the hood.

O’Shea Jackson Jr., Corey Hawkins and Jason Mitchell star as Ice Cube, Dr. Dre and Eazy-E. Ice Cube and Dr. Dre serve as the film’s executive producers.

Straight Outta Compton

Unconditional Love is AUTHENTIC LOVE

Unconditional Love is AUTHENTIC LOVE

What is the meaning of Unconditional Love? According to Wikipedia: Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations. It can be also love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism, complete love, or “mother’s/father’s love.” Each area of expertise has a certain way of describing unconditional love, but most will agree that it is that type of love, which has no bounds and is unchanging. It is a concept in one’s mind comparable to true love, a term that is more frequently used to describe love between lovers. By contrast, unconditional love is frequently used to describe love between family members, comrades in arms and between others in highly committed relationships. An example of this is a parent’s love for their child; no matter a test score, a life changing decision, an argument, or a strong belief, the amount of love that remains between this bond is seen as unchanging and unconditional.

In religion, unconditional love is thought to be part of the Four Loves; affection, friendship, romance, and unconditional.In ethology, or the study of animal behavior, unconditional love would refer to altruism, which in turn refers to the behavior by individuals that increases the fitness of another while decreasing the fitness of the individual committing the act. In psychology, unconditional love refers to a state of mind in which one has the goal of increasing the welfare of another, despite any evidence of benefit for oneself.

Unconditional Love is loving everyone from the authenticity of your soul, without judgment, condition or ulterior motive. When we allow ourselves, permission to become beautifully vulnerable and let our true love flow freely the world we live in will become the place it was always meant to be. A place of love, joy and peace that all humanity deserves to experience.

“To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.”- Oscar Wilde

We were created to be an ambassador of God’s love of humanity. Are you a believer in LOVE, God’s love, true love, unconditional love and self-love? We must first understand and appreciate God’s Love for us and then our love for ourselves, so that we can love one another completely, abundantly and authentically. God showed us unconditional love by giving us his ONLY BEGOTTON SON JESUS, so that we might have eternal life. There is no greater love than a man who would lay down his life for a friend. How many of us could and would give up our lives for someone else? If we just learned how to love purely, freely and totally the world we live in would be a much better place to dwell in.

No matter how exceptional you are, how successful your ministry is, how close to God you think you are, one necessary principal should guide everything we do. Otherwise, anything you do for the Lord is simply a waste of time. That, of course is Love, 1st Corinthians 13 is one of the most famous passages of Scripture about LOVE. It is quoted at weddings routinely. No matter how much we know, how much great wisdom we speak, if we utter incredible mysteries that wow the masses, if we do not do things in love it is really no point at all. No matter what we can do, without love it is meaningless. We can give of ourselves, our time, talents and possessions, be the humblest most giving person on earth and even give up our life for our faith but, if we are not flowing in God’s love we might as well not do it.

  • Love was meant to be unconditional and true from the beginning of time, according to I Corinthians 13 the qualities of love are as follows:
  • Love is long-suffering. This means being tolerant with people and not with situations.
  • Love is compassionate. This means that love is sweet to all people.
  • Love knows no jealousy. We are not to covet the belongings of other people or prefer that others have nothing at all.
  • Love is not conceited. Authentic love will always be far more impressed with its own unworthiness than its own value.
  • Love is not arrogant. A child of God never thinks of his own significance but, that of others first.
  • Love is not discourteous. Hospitality in Christian love never forgets that politeness, tact and good manners are exquisite things.
  • Love is not self-centered. The majority of the tribulations, which surround us today, could be avoided if we would think less of our rights and more of our duties.
  • Love is not easily infuriated. God’s love never becomes annoyed with people. When we lose our tempers, we lose everything.
  • Love keeps no file of wrongs. People seem to keep track of the things that they believe were done wrong to them, instead of forgiving and forgetting as God has instructed us to do.
  • Love does not delight in iniquity. Love finds no pleasure in anything that is wrong. Godly love finds no pleasure in bad reports.
  • Love rejoices with honesty. Godly love has no desire to veil truthfulness; it has nothing to hide and so is glad when the truth is exposed.
  • Love always protects. Love would rather fix things than publicly displaying them. Love covers ones indiscretions rather than exposing them to bring shame to the offender.
  • Love always has faith in others. We create people to be what we deem them to be, they will either trustworthy or not.
  • Love always is optimistic. Love is hopeful! Love knows that God has everything under his jurisdiction.
  • Love always perseveres. Love stands the test of time and it endures all things.

As you can see Godly love, is unconditional love of God, yourself and others. Remember this, if you learn to love yourself after first loving God authentically and completely, you will never be without love a day in your life. Show love today and watch God move.

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7 Reasons Success Is Ignoring You

7 Reasons Success Is Ignoring You

1. Damaged Goods

 Success is not attracted to nor is looking to partner with someone who believes that they are “damaged” goods. Yes, I know crap happens to all. But yet, there comes a time when we must get over ourselves and position our mind- set towards success. Success can mean: Feeling excited about that pounding in your heart because of what you do. Hanging in there through the hard times to achieve your desired outcome. It comes when we wake up on purpose every day…no matter what! Keep this in mind, that most successful people are not rational thinkers. We are delusional in a good way!

2. Living A Cookie Cutter Life.

Living as though you are a product of a manufacturing company that produces one kind of generic cookie. Becoming “comfortable” with the” status quo.” Not being able to stand out in a crowd with your dreams and goals. Stop following the crowd. Follow your bliss! That thing that makes you different. Take a risk on you, the most important person that you will ever meet! Foster your creativity. Harness your entrepreneurial skills. And live a “no limit” lifestyle starting now.

 3. Not Following Instructions.

Success leaves clues. “Remember, success leaves clues and to find those clues, you’ve got to tune in!” ~Tony Robbins

Almost all success stories including your own, will follow the directions of : Dream big! Fail forward. Own and accept your OWN success. Once you have completed the previous instructions, start over and try it all again!

4. Complicated Intentions.

Be clear with your intentions. To have in mind a purpose or plan. The aim that you are seeking and reaching for the end of your goal. Clarity of your intentions will bring forth clear and concise successful results. Recalibrate your intentions and update your internal navigational system.

5. Your Spoken Words.

Your words have power! They can build or destroy. They can inspire or discourage you from fulfilling your destiny. Words are magical when spoken in a positive manner. Or, you can start Armageddon in our life when you speak negative words into your atmosphere. Uplifting words powered by faith will create spectacular results! If you don’t believe me, try it for yourself…I will be waiting to hear your results!

6. Lurking Action.

You know what I mean right?? We have all done it before on Facebook. Watching and reading post from people who we are not really passionate about their content. Or, when there is not enough substance to honestly connect and converse with the group or individuals…wink, wink. Okay, that’s not allowed when it comes to taking action. It’s time to put your backbone into action and do what’s necessary to complete the task at hand. When you execute your action plan, you can expect to see jaw-dropping results.

7. A Love Affair With Failure.

I have a confession to make. I was in love with failure. Why not be in love with this thing called failure? I had failed at so many projects, we started a courtship. Love relationships with failure are off-limits when it comes to dating success. You can make friends with failure from the standpoint of learning from it…but it must end there. It will take daring thoughts and action to begin your new jubilant relationship with SUCCESS!

Remember this, never go down without a courageous fight. If you are serious about grabbing and captivating the eyes of success, you must give all you got! Circle your success by acting like you already have it in the palm of your hands.

– See more at:

Analysis: Steep, swift decline led to Mike Smith’s ouster with Falcons

“Smitty’s contributions to our club, team and city over the last seven years are numerous,” Falcons owner Arthur Blank said in a statement.

“His accomplishments on the field made him the most successful coach in the 49-year history of the Falcons, and we are grateful for the foundation he has laid for us for the future.”

Sunday’s 34-3 blowout loss against the Carolina Panthers — when the NFC South title was on the line— encapsulated the team’s last two seasons, and sealed Smith’s fate.

Since then, the Falcons had gone 10-22.

It’s not just that the Falcons have lost so many games, it’s how they’ve lost them.

But Atlanta’s defense continues to be one of the NFL’s worst units. It ranked dead last in yards allowed (398.2 per game), 27th in scoring defense (26.1 points per game) and tied for 30th in sacks (22). A major overhaul of the defensive roster is needed if the Falcons are to regain their footing as a competitive team in the NFC.

“This is a business about winning football games and that’s how you’re judged,” Smith said after Sunday’s loss against the Panthers. “I understand that, and I’ll leave it at that.”

In the end, that’s what cost Smith his job. He simply didn’t inspire the Falcons to play their best football.

He helped take Atlanta to the postseason in four of his seven seasons with the team and won more games than anyone else in franchise history. While there are many teams that would love to have that record, the Falcons just failed to live up to expectations.


Follow Lorenzo Reyes on Twitter @Lorenzo_G_Reyes

What Will Cost More in 2015

What Will Cost More in 2015

Bad news for chocoholics: More worldwide demand and a West African drought impacting cacao crops could raise the price on your favorite sweet treat next year. “Manufacturers have been warning us of a cocoa shortage,” says spokesman Mark LoCastro. “Chocolate prices have been rising, particularly small artisanal chocolates that use more cacao for dark chocolate.”

But he doesn’t expect that to diminish our cravings. “I think people will always buy chocolate,” LoCastro says. “It’s such a delicacy for some and an addiction for others.” Paying a few extra cents for a chocolate bar may not cause much sticker shock, but here’s a look at other goods and services that will cost more in 2015.

1. Coffee and bourbon. The cost of two favorite beverages is likely to increase in the coming year due to supply and demand. Coffee prices were forecast to drop in 2014, but a severe drought in Brazil had the opposite effect, according to LoCastro. Starbucks raised prices last summer, as did several other coffee makers. Meanwhile, the rising popularity of bourbon has caused some distilleries to ration bottles and raise their prices. “Bourbon is just increasing in popularity, and because of the aging process, you can’t just whip up another batch,” LoCastro explains.

2. Food. Droughts in California are likely to drive up not only the cost of agricultural products like avocados, but also beef and pork products. “Producers with both beef and hogs have thinned their herds in response to drought conditions,” says Michael Levin, associate professor of marketing at Otterbein University in Westerville, Ohio. “As the price of the hog has gone up, people have started to switch their consumption towards chicken, which relies on corn.” (Corn may be also subject to higher prices). Olive oil imported from Italy and Spain is also expected to cost more next year due to drought, LoCastro adds.

3. Health care. Medical costs will rise 6.8 percent next year, compared to a projected 6.5 percent for 2014, according to the PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute. “Pharmaceutical expenses are going to continue to go up,” says Chip Manning, director of the Babson Center for Global Commerce at Sewanee – University of the South. “There’s still some administrative cost issues in compliance obligations [with the Affordable Care Act].” Increasing life expectancies are also expected to drive up overall health care costs. To cope with rising health insurance costs, many employers are now considering shifting a greater share of these costs to their employees or switching to high-deductible health plans.

4. Debt. The past few years have seen ultra-low interest rates (good news for homebuyers, not so good news for savers). However, that may change in 2015. “The Fed has eliminated quantitative easing [where a central bank purchases securities to lower interest rates and increase the supply of money], and is expected to let interest rates start to rise, so the cost of debt will go up,” Levin says.

5. Shipping. The U.S. Postal Service has chosen not to raise postage rates this January, but UPS and FedEx have announced shipping price increases for 2015. “People are going to have to absorb a good bit of that for those products that must be shipped that way,” Manning says. Of course, shipping costs have been gradually rising in recent years, with several price increases in stamps and retailers like Amazon raising their minimum threshold for free shipping from $25 to $35. Amazon also raised the cost of Amazon Prime (which includes free two-day shipping on most items) from $79 to $99 last spring.

6. Travel. Planning a trip in 2015? Consider budgeting a little more money for airfare and hotel stays. Despite lower fuel costs for airlines, carriers may raise prices (and certainly haven’t been shy about adding new fees) because of increased demand. “There is an improving economy, and airlines are operating at full capacity, so there are fewer flight bargains to be found,” LoCastro says. “Flight bargains happen when there are empty seats.” A recent report by the Global Business Travel Association and Carlson Wagonlit Travel predicts a 2.4 percent increase on domestic hotel room rates, and 2.2 percent price growth on airfare globally (although some transatlantic flights may be cheaper due to increased capacity).

But it’s not all bad news. “We’ve seen a nice downward trend in gas prices, which is important to a lot of us,” Manning points out. A few other items, including cloud storage, smartphones, cranberries and butter may also be cheaper in 2015, LoCastro notes.

Jeb Bush leaving health care company

Jeb Bush is stepping down from the board of a health care company that has reportedly profited from Obamacare, a move that comes as the Republican explores a run for the presidency.

The former Florida governor’s resignation from the board of directors of Dallas-based Tenet Healthcare Corp. is effective Dec. 31, a Bush aide confirmed Thursday. The Los Angeles Times and The Wall Street Journal earlier reported on his departure.

Bush’s business record is considered a potential area of vulnerability for him should he decide to run in 2016. He has been involved in a range of ventures, including private equity funds. Those links have drawn comparisons to Mitt Romney, the GOP’s 2012 nominee for president, who was attacked during his campaign over his financial entanglements.

Bush’s decision on Tenet “is consistent with reviewing all of his commitments as part of actively exploring a potential run,” his aide said in a statement to POLITICO.

“It is a natural next step as he turns his focus to more actively considering a campaign for the presidency.”

According to various media reports, Tenet backed President Barack Obama’s health reform act and has seen its revenues rise from it. Bush’s involvement with Tenet could give ammunition to conservatives in the GOP who view him as too moderate — particularly those who despise the Affordable Care Act.

The L.A. Times report noted that Bush earned cash and stock awards worth nearly $300,000 from Tenet in 2013 and sold $1.1 million in Tenet stock that year. Tenet media officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday.

Earlier this month, it was reported that Bush would be stepping down as a paid adviser to the British bank Barclays by year’s end. Aides to Bush have also said he has stopped delivering highly paid speeches; the Republican has plans to travel across the country to meet with voters as he mulls a White House run.