7 Ways I Resist The Urge To QUIT

Resist the urge to quit

There are times when I feel the urge to quit on my goals and dreams. The eight hundred pound gorilla jumps on my back and makes an attempt to paralyze my efforts to finish strong. Then suddenly, I realize that it’s an illusion…smoke and mirrors to get me to QUIT! During these difficult times I must find the strength and courage to keep going! Resistance and opposition shows up when I am working on something GREAT! When they call, I have learned not to answer. These two are not attracted to low hanging fruit. They prefer fruit that grows at higher altitudes. There is a unique and delicious taste that comes from fruit that grows on “successful” trees!

1.    Become still and get clear.

When I lack clarity, I become hazardous to any project that I am working on. Visualize this, you are driving down a major interstate that’s currently under construction. You see a sign that says merge right. Then 1 mile later, you read another sign that says make a U-turn. Then you see another sign that’s says road closed…confusing, right. That’s what happens when I am not clear about my goals and dreams. During these times, I remove all distractions from my life and I get still. I stop, look and listen to the quiet still voice within…the soul. My soul will never lie to me or make a mistake as it relates to giving me guidance and direction. I believe that it’s my internal compass for mastering the life that I was created to LIVE!

2.    Remember my purpose.

I can recall times in my life when I poisoned my purpose by giving energy to toxic thoughts, people and situations. Garbage in will always be garbage out no matter how the trash is packaged and presented. It takes backbone, grit and mountain size faith to live on purpose. What I know to be true is that discovering my purpose was easier than keeping and working with my purpose. When I stopped working against my purpose and started working with it, the urge to quit vaporized…immediately! We (purpose and I) have become inseparable, like Siamese twins.

3.    Connect with my tribe.

When I reach out to the people of valor in my life, spectacular and amazing things happen. They remind me that all “successful” people have danced with the thought of quitting…at least once. They reiterate the notion that the “yellow brick road” that leads to success was designed for rest stops, not exits called Quit. They encourage and cheer for me when everything that is looming around me is screaming “QUIT NOW and don’t even think about trying again!” My tribe will always speak “truth” with love and they have a strong desire of helping me cross “my” finish line. If you don’t have a tribe, I urge you to find one that’s unique to you and your purpose! What I know for sure, is that your tribe/community will always recognize and support U as it relates to your gifts and talents!

4.    Commit to all things positive.

365 days of the year, no matter how I’m feeling, I must commit to keeping my self-worth and confidence intact. Positivity is a state of mind! I guard my positive environment like I was hired to guard a maximum security prison…it’s that serious!! What I expose my mind to will reflect in my behavior. If I want to know what’s happening in my mind, I examine my behavior. My actions will always follow my thoughts and my current state of mind. Actions do not know how to think, they only know how to follow orders. What I read, what I hear and what I see all play a vital role in maintaining a positive state of mind. I can tell when I have been exposed to buffoonery and negativity. They have the power to paralyze and leave me feeling helpless/ empty. This is how my internal compass send me warning signs that I am off course and that it is time to change directions. I call these “girl you better get up moments”…or else!

5.    Create daily rituals.

Every morning before I get out of bed, I pray, meditate and visualize my day. I never allow my emotions to dictate this sacred time with self. My emotions may shift, however, I must always remain constant with my morning inspiration. It’s priceless!

6.    Prepare while I recover.

Certain life events have left me feeling wounded like a defeated heavyweight boxer. During these times, it’s vital that I take time to heal and recover. I give myself permission to rest and regroup according to my watch. This recuperation time must be determined by me and me alone!

7.    Terminate the word Quit!

I stop partnering with that loathsome loser called quit. No further explanation needed for this tip. Just delete the word from your new and empowered vocabulary and add the word persevere.  Just carry on and keep going no matter what…all the way to “your” finish line!

“Perseverance is stubbornness with a purpose.”-Josh Shipp

– See more at: http://www.blacklifecoaches.net/2014/12/18/7-ways-resist-urge-quit/#sthash.8B3pbFYP.dpuf

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