Success At Any Level Requires One Thing

Success At Any Level Requires One Thing

By Jennifer Wilkes

MAKE YOUR IDEAS HAPPEN.  You can want for the rest of your life, but that does not mean you will actually get what it is you are wanting for.  You must follow through if you expect to experience the manifestation of your vision and goals.  Crossing your fingers and betting on luck will keep you begging and surrendering your freedom to someone else.  It is time for you to take control and drive.

 How many times have you started a project, like cleaning your closet, then you stop and never really finish?  That is a sure sign of your level of commitment.  When you choose to commit or not, you are communicating with yourself on what you value to be most important. The universe and your mind hear you and obey.

When you communicate that you are focused on a decision and that you are serious about it, life will take your choice into consideration and follow through on your behalf; reciprocation or the Law of Attraction.  Whatever you allow yourself to be preoccupied with is what you will attract more of.

Are you going to spend your life wanting success or are you going to follow through on being successful? 

 The difference between those who are successful and those who are not has nothing to do with the number of opportunities available to one or the other.  The difference is that those who are successful prepare, so that when the opportunity presents itself they are ready.  And how do successful people prepare?  They follow through.  Those who really accomplish their goals and elevate to higher levels in life, see their vision through until the end.  They set high standards for their own personal success.

Yes, it can seem easy to achieve many things when things are going well.  But, what happens when times are tough and there are still tasks that need to be done?  Do you give up and push your goals to the side until it is time for the next New Year’s resolutions?  I recommend that you don’t.  It is equally important to follow through when things are not going as you expected.  It does not mean you have to continue going in the same direction, but use those moments as the opportunity to make clear choices about your life, your business, and your relationships. This may involve creating healthy space away from certain people so that you can stay focused on achieving your goals.

Like everything else in life, following through on your purpose depends on the choices you make.  If you want to figure out whether or not you’re making the best choices for your purpose, consider the following:

  • How will this choice affect me?
  • If I choose X, Y will happen.  Is this what I really want to happen?
  • Is this choice in alignment with my purpose and what I want to achieve?

Whatever commitment you make, see it through.  Follow through on what you say you are going to do, especially when it comes to keeping promises to yourself.

Now do not confuse it.  Following through is not the same as being busy.  Many of us are busy, but we are not being proactive or productive.  And there is no point in being busy, if you are busy doing nothing.  Anything that takes up your time should contribute to your purpose, passions and your vision to help others.  That is what really keeps your momentum going.  And that is what gives you a strong foundation for success.

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